
Kubespray is an opinionated way of deploying kubernetes clusters using Ansible. It supports the following types of infrastructure deployment:

  • Baremetal

  • Virtual Machines (KVM, Vmware, VirtualBox)

  • Openstack

  • Public clouds (AWS, Google Cloud, Digital Ocean etc)

It supports specific linux distribution versions which are Centos 7, Ubuntu 16, Debian Jessie and CoreoS (Contianer Linux).

This book is an effort from the Kubernauts community aimed at helping those who are looking for a way of deploying a kubernetes cluster.

This guide will make use of the native ansible mode of deployment.

I hope this adds value to your kubernetes journey.

Get ready for some awesome winds below your kubernaut wings!

Your feedback will be appreciated so that we can together make the learning experience for the community a lot better.

Kubespray documentation contains vital and advanced topics that are definitely worth reading

Last updated